• Bill Einreinhofer


    Bill is Chair Emeritus of the Broadcast Journalism department at the New York Film Academy. A three-time Emmy Award winner, he has developed and produced programming for ABC, CBS, Discovery, HBO and PBS. His documentary Shanghai 1937: Where World War II Began was seen on 200+ American Public TV stations, as well as sold to international broadcasters and digital platforms including Amazon Prime and MagellanTV.

  • Evgenia Vlasova

    Evgenia Vlasova


    Evgenia is a native of the Russian Far East and no stranger to China. Back home she was the anchor and co-producer of an award-winning morning show. She is now a faculty member at The New York Film Academy.

  • Nancy Hanzhang Shen

    Nancy Hanzhang Shen


    Nancy is a graduate of the Zhejiang University of Media and Communications in China, as well as the School of Visual Arts. She is a freelance video editor in New York.

  • Theresa Loong

    Theresa Loong


    Theresa traces her family heritage back to southern China. She is a multimedia director and producer based in New York. Theresa is a graduate of Harvard University, and is a board member of the non-profit collective, the Filmshop.

  • Syd Golston

    Syd Golston


    Syd is a past president of the National Council for the Social Studies. She has developed educational materials for a number of Public TV programs, including the PBS NewsHour.

  • Liz Ramos

    Liz Ramos


    Liz is a high school history teacher. She incorporates a constructivist approach while integrating civics, news literacy skills, and technology into her classroom. She has served on the boards of the California Council for the Social Studies and News Literacy Project, and was the 2019 California Council for the Social Studies Secondary Social Studies Teacher of the Year.